Tips on Proposing With a Surprise Ring Box Holding a Blue Nile Diamond

Couples frequently discuss marriage and anticipate the engagement, often shopping for the diamond ring or rings together to suit the intended.

While there’s still an element of excitement with this sort of scenario, it loses the spontaneity and “sweeping off the feet” of the other person when the diamond pops out from an unusual place for a whirlwind moment.

Whether you choose planning and preparation or whirlwind romance, the key component is a beautiful Blue Nile diamond or another favored choice to forever etch the moment in your memories.

The only conundrum is when the rings come in the standard clunky ring boxes, sort of taking away any element of surprise you might hope for.

Diamond ring

Nowadays, those proposing are coming up with new and creative ways of popping the question, with the other person having no clue they’re about to be presented with a gorgeous engagement ring. You could probably hide these in plain sight, and your significant other would be none the wiser.

Even with Your Diamond Teacher education, you will receive assistance with selecting the ideal ring complete with the best cut, clarity, color, and carat, but it likely also would part of the recommendations that something as precious as a diamond be presented with the highest degree of discretion. Consider these tips on how to do just that.

How To Ensure The Highest Discretion When Presenting A Diamond Engagement Ring

A Blue Nile diamond ring is among those sought for what reference as the 4Cs, cut, clarity, carat, and color. A diamond is commonly the gem chosen for engagement rings. Couples will either make wedding plans and shop for these together, or the engagement will be a complete surprise for the intended.

In either situation, presenting the diamond can still be a surprise. It can be done unorthodoxly or using a discreet method that the other person wouldn’t consider for a ring, almost hiding it in plain sight.

This way, even if the person is aware they’re about to be engaged, they have no idea when or how it will happen, allowing them that element of surprise. Learn why people propose with diamonds at, and then consider a few ideas you might not think of when hiding the ring from your mate before the big moment.

·  A Fortune Cookie Delivered With Your Chinese Takeout

No one will anticipate a proposal on an evening after a long hectic day of work and other ordeals after which you decide to order takeout from your favorite Chinese delivery down the street.

The two of you decide to get comfortable from the restrictive work clothes and choose one of your favorite feel-good movies while chowing down.

When it comes time for the fortune cookies, you always have to concentrate because it’s essential first to make a wish. When your intended pops theirs open out drops the ring followed by gasps and a mixture of laughter and screams. If they knew about the ring, it was still a surefire shock to beat all surprises.

If they had no idea you would propose, you’d find out from the immediate reaction whether it’s a positive or the person is not on board with your train of thought. In either scenario, you slammed it out of the park with your delivery.

· Ask Your Soon to Be Fiancé to Make an Avocado Salad

This delivery is slightly more challenging in that you need to place the ring on the avocado seed and gently place the top back on so it fits together almost seamlessly. When making dinner together, ask your mate if they wouldn’t mind preparing the salad with some fresh avocado which you’ve narrowed to only one.

When chopping and dicing, eventually, it will come time to open the avocado. When noticing it’s already sliced, it might seem odd to your mate but ensure your mate opens it and doesn’t toss it out, fearing it’s a bad one. When opening it, the ring will be exposed to the person’s delight. Go here for a history on the engagement ring.

·  It’s Time to Become Parents

You’ve been living together for a while, and each of you wants to add to the family – with a pet – but has yet to take the time to search for a rescue. You decide to search for the sort of pup your mate has been describing up front, making all the arrangements to pick the pup up before taking them to see it.

When the weekend arrives, and it’s time to head out, you navigate to the shelter where the dog is waiting. It’s vital to head directly to the right one since each of you will want to take all the dogs back home. When coming upon the pup, the two of you agree to adopt him.

Unbeknownst to your partner, the dog’s collar carries the diamond engagement ring. It takes quite a few hours before your mate finds it, but fortunately, you’re already committed, considering your new family member, so how can they say no?

·  “Life Is Really Like a Box of Chocolates”

Custom chocolatiers will create boxes of chocolates for clients upon request. The ideal gift when you want to propose is a box with the ring wrapped inside the box. There will be no thought that you would be able to sneak a ring inside the wrapping of a chocolate box.

A priority is to ensure that your mate will be accepting of chocolates or that they have a sweet tooth. Some people are very health conscious and won’t be forgiving of being offered something that breaks that aspect of their lifestyle; feel that out upfront.

If it’s a go, give them the box, let them know you’ll share, and watch their surprise as they open to the glittering diamond waiting for them among the decadent chocolates.

· Choose a Celebratory Event 

If you have an event you’ll be out celebrating, like a dating anniversary, ask the restaurant if they can bring a cake and flowers with drinks before the meal is ordered. As part of the cake decorations, the ring will be perched on a platform to be noticed first.

You’ll need to be exceptionally careful with the delivery of the ring. Diamond engagement rings are expensive, and you don’t want yours to fall off and suddenly disappear from sight, only to be lost upon being carried to the table. It’s vital that however it’s situated, it’s secure.

Once it arrives, you can celebrate with your bottle of champagne and enjoy the rest of the evening with dinner and making plans for how you want your upcoming wedding to be planned.

·  Can’t Fall Asleep Without Reading a Good Book

Many people can only fall asleep by reading a good book. Some people mark their pages with a bookmark, stick anything in there to keep the page, or lay the book upside down on their side table.

If you don’t think the book will be moved at any point before your mate starts to read for the evening, a good idea is to stick the ring in the book or under it. Then when opening it, the ring will fall out onto their lap, probably startling them in a good way.

If you’re afraid it might get lost in this way, you could add a bit of sentiment to the delivery by placing the ring in an envelope inside the book with a note expressing your feelings. It would still provide the element of surprise but be more protected plus tell your mate how you see them.

Final Thought

When presenting a diamond engagement ring, whether you choose the Blue Nile or another favorite choice, you must opt for the ideal time, location, and placement to ensure the moment will be one that will be etched in both your memories forever.

Whether you do it in your most comfortable space, the spot where you had your first date, or a new location to make it its own special place during the time of day you both enjoy. Sunset?

Ideally, there will be few people to avoid being put in the spotlight so you can each have a moment to take in what’s happening and enjoy it. The overall idea is to think outside “the box” to make the moment you present the diamond special so your mate will never forget it when they look at the ring.

Chris is a freelance journalist with huge interest in technology, science, life hacks and health. He loves coffee, cheesecake and chess. Drop a line in comments to leave feedback for him.